Monthly Archives: April 2015

Upcoming Talk on Water Filters as Conscience

Saturday 16th May 2015, 9:30-12:00 AM Farmington-Scipio Spring Gathering, Painted Post, NY


I can't condone graffiti, but can't support war either!

I can’t condone graffiti, but can’t support war either!

How are water filters building a peaceful and conscionable world? How did I decide to follow my conscience and dedicate my life to water filters? What can we as people working towards peace learn from my work and choices so far? Good news for the curious, because these questions lead to the the subject of a talk I am giving on Saturday the 16th of May. I’m calling my talk: Water Filters as Conscience. The Filters as Conscience talk includes an activity-based workshop on conscience in our everyday lives. What’s better than an engaging talk about how one person followed their conscience? An engaging talk with participation by everyone in the room! Come and play with conscience! My presentation is the plenary session for Farmington-Scipio Regional Meeting‘s largest annual gathering. Alfred Monthly Meeting which I am a member of, is a part of Farmington-Scipio RM. What an honor it is to share this work I’ve been doing with you all!

-Nick Rozard

Directions to Watson Homestead